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“I will say your comments moved me forward into a much better manuscript. My next pass will be for the deeper changes such as my honest and emotional reactions to things. I'm considering an epilogue to pull some of those threads together.” Available here:

Beta Reading Project: Kaye Curren, Memories a la Carte: Essays on a Life, Kindle Edition, published November 2017

Happy to say that I was asked to work with Robin on this wonderfully supportive and realistic guide. Robin has brought together her own knowledge and the wisdom of other women to guide and support women going through the process of divorce. Thanks, Robin, for your energy and honesty!

Delighted to announce recent publication of Buhari-A Family Odyssey in Nepal. Beta-reading and then copy editing with author Linda Horning was productive and focused This is a story that brings home the joys and trials of our world-wide families and modern life. Find it here:

Determination. Persistence. Belief in oneself. These are the attributes of author Karen Knowles. Her recently published memoir, Stacking Marbles, A True Life, shows the power of inner strength, being true to your self, and keeping a focus on improving your life, and the life of those around you. I was challenged and amazed while copy editing and have great respect for Karen. Available at:

computer keyboard at letter Z with red pen shoiwng combination of online editing with computer and traditional editing with red pen and paper copy
I believe:
Writers want to tell their story and to know that they are easily understood. 
Readers need clear and engaging writing that captures them, that tells the story, that gives the information they need.
The Editor's Joy comes in helping the writer to attain clarity for the reader's sake, and to find those little errors that creep in.


  ACES  the society for editing

  Northwest Editors Guild



  Nonfiction Authors Association Member

  Supplier at Publaunch


Contact me at:

Phone: 206-779-7251, Seattle WA



PZ Nov 2018.jpg

"The editor's job is to sense the best direction by asking questions of the work; then to gently press or, if necessary, spur her writer there. Editing is a conversation, not a monologue." Susan Bell, author of The Artful Edit, on the Practice of Editing Yourself

An extensive primer for a writer; helpful instructions for that first edit, the one they do themselves.


Resources for Writers and Authors:

A helpful explanation of MS Word Track changes and how it works for you:

Books & Blogs

Some of the many inspiring references and books:

Chicago Manual of Style, 16th and 17th Editions

The Copyeditor's Handbook and Workbook, 4th Edition., Amy Einsohn and Marilyn Schwartz

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition

Will Write for Food, Dianne Jacob

Recipes Into Type, Joan Whitman and Dolores Simon

The Recipe Writer's Handbook, Barbara Gibbs Ostmann and Jane L. Baker

The Editor's Guide to Working with Authors, Barbara Sjoholm

The Artful Edit, on the Practice of Editing Yourself, Susan Bell

Good Prose, The Art of Nonfiction, Tracy Kidder and Richard Todd

The Situation and The Story, Vivian Gornik

Developmental Editing, Scott Norton

One Writer's Beginnings, Eudora Welty

The Subversive Copyeditor, Carol Fisher Saller 

Sense of Style, Steven Pinker

An American Editor, blog by Richard Adin

Editors on Editing, Gerald Gross

A Sharp Kinfe and Salt, blog, Sur La Table

Orangette, blog, Molly Wizenberg

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